We are aiming to be the leading womens leather footwear manufacturer in the area of international market.
Metin Shoes is ready to meet your shoe needs with the highest quality, comfort and speed with its high technological infrastructure and strong production capacity, modern production methods and experienced team.
Metin Shoes is a company established in Istanbul in 1993 and specializes in women's shoes. The product range covers a wide variety from boots and sneakers to sandals and slippers. The firm also owns brands such as Sherlock Soon and Donna Style.
Metin Shoes gives importance to customer satisfaction and gives importance to presenting quality and comfort together. The company, which is among the top five in shoe and leather exports in Turkey, serves more than 30 countries, including the European Union.
We are aiming to be the leading womens leather footwear manufacturer in the area of international market.
Catching quality and comfort together and on-time delivery with best service & costumer satisfaction has became our mission.
We would like to remind you that we are awarded by Turkish government as the 4th exporter of Turkey in the area of leather footwear.
H5 – D12
H7 – E21 E25 E27
B5 – A21
With using %100 high qualified leather, having proffesional marketing managers and production workes; offering best prices with best services and deliverying on time is our main business princible. Also taking in to accounts to our valuable costumer’s ideas, offerings is the most important factor that puts us ahead of our competitors.
Mr. Metin Kütük is known as a master manufacturer in the shoe industry. He was born in 1969 and has been loyal to the family profession of shoe production since the beginning. His journey started in Laleli in 1990 and has been continuing in the İkitelli region since 2016. He focuses on leather and leather products as his area of expertise and also places importance on production and design for overseas sales. Kütük, who responds to customer requests in the most appropriate way, also attaches great importance to research and development and production techniques.
Metin KütükKurucu
You can contact us to work with our expert team and get to know our products.